Spatiu comercial/de birouri, Parter/P+5, AC=164 mp, AU=135 mp, cu 2 intrari stradale si parcare proprie pentru 6-8 autoturisme.
Spatiul este dotat cu centrala proprie cu gaze, ferestre si usi cu geam
termopan, pardoseala din gresie. Este actualmente compartimentat cu pereti
de rigips si poate fi transformat in open space. Spatiul
este pretabil pentru: cabinet de avocatura, executori judecatoresti, cabinet
medical, mini-market, etc. Locatia se afla in apropiere de Piata Natiunile
Unite, Palatul de Justitie, Calea Victoriei, zona rezidentiala dar
si de business, cu numeroase sedii de companii, filiale bancare, magazine. PRET: 1.800 euro/luna (13.33 euro/mp/luna), inclusiv parcarea exterioara
Details: Commercial/office space, Ground Floor/GF+5, gross built area=164
sqm, net area=135 sqm, with 2 entrances from the street and a
parking for 6-8 cars. The space is equipped with its own gas boiler,
double glazing windows and doors, floor tiles. It is currently divided
with plasterboard walls and cen be transformed into an open
space. The space is suitable for: lawyer office, bailiffs, medical
office, mini-market. The building is located near the United Nations Square,
The Justice Palace, Victoriei Avenue, residential but also business area,
with numerous company headquarters, bank branches, shops, etc. PRICE: 1,800 euro/month (13,33 euro/sqm/month), including the outdoor parking